Walk alongside a newly arrived refugee family in their first months as Americans.

CRIS Welcome Teams

In recent years, phrases like “sponsor circles” and “co-sponsorship” have received national press attention as global humanitarian crises displace record numbers of people. Some refugees are fortunate to resettle in U.S. cities where they have a U.S. “tie” (close friend or family member willing to offer support), yet there are many with no existing connections in their new hometowns.

While one in four Americans express interest in sponsoring refugees, it can be a complicated process with complex guidelines, limited support, and high expectations.

Similar to refugee sponsorship, CRIS recruits, trains, and equips Welcome Teams to come alongside a refugee family in their first months as Central Ohio residents to provide practical support as they move toward self-sufficiency and successful integration.

CRIS Welcome Teams typically consist of 6-15 members and commit to supporting a refugee family for their first six months in the U.S. CRIS partners with teams of people from faith communities, civic groups, neighbors, and friends.

Mary Anne Morehart, Welcome Team Co-Leader

“These families have given up a lot; it's important for them to feel like they have people that can help them.”

Read how Mary Anne and her Welcome Team created lasting friendships with an Afghan family of nine.

Welcome Team Commitments

The following graphic outlines the ways that Welcome Teams are encouraged to support the refugee family with whom they are matched by CRIS staff. To learn more about Welcome Kits, make sure to check out the full list of essential items on our Drop-Off Donations page.

Connect with us.

Teresa Gibson | Welcome Team Coordinator


Interested in learning more about Welcome Teams? Contact us! Simply fill out the form below.