CRIS Expands Youth Mentorship Program to Serve Preschoolers


CRIS’ newly hired Early Refugee Student Impact Case Managers Kati Cheung (left) and Wendy Tipton (right)


CRIS Expands Youth Mentorship Program Services to Meet Needs of Refugee Students Ages 0-5

Community Connectors, CRIS’ robust youth mentorship program, received an E-RSI (Early Refugee School Impact) grant to provide two full-time case managers within Columbus and Hilliard City Schools to provide direct services to our 0-5 aged children who have been in the country less than 5 years and have ORR eligibility. The goals of the grant are:

  1. Facilitating childcare access and capacity development.

  2. Providing age-appropriate language literacy.

  3. Facilitating parent integration through education, and providing available resources or assisting in referrals to resources.

  4. Providing opportunities for parent engagement with peer supports or social groups, monitored by CRIS staff.

  5. Supporting early childhood education through programs that prepare children for schooling and their cognitive, social, and emotional growth.

We are excited to welcome Katie Cheung and Wendy Tipton as our first-ever E-RSI case managers.


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