Equipping "First Responders"

In collaboration with Ana Berrios-Allison, Associate Director at the Ohio State University's Career Counseling and Support Services and an experienced licensed counselor, CRIS' Refugee Wellness Program implemented a suicide prevention training using the Ohio State University REACH (http://suicideprevention.osu.edu/programs/reach/) program for 10 Bhutanese refugees.This training comes at a time where there is growing concern about the number of OSUlogoattempted and completed suicides in the Bhutanese refugee community nationwide, and as a result of continued collaboration with the Bhutanese Nepali Community of Columbus (BNCC). The BNCC and the Bhutanese community are determined to address this issue head on. This training aims to ensure that the community is equipped with "first responders" who can assist individuals struggling with stress and reaching a loss of hope in their lives. This activity generated rich discussion around real cases known in the community and resulted in a stronger understanding of suicideprevtraininghow to identify warning signs, engaging the community in asking the question, communicating hope, and making appropriate referrals in the community. This activity is a part of ongoing intensive community health outreach that CRIS' Refugee Health and  Wellness Program is implementing in collaboration with the Bhutanese refugee community.


An Outing to the Local Hindu Temple


CRIS Intern urges others to volunteer as well